Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Nyquil dreams...

I am so sick.  This is the third time I have gotten sick this winter.  Maybe my body is going through some sort of skiing withdrawal.  Maybe I am not as healthy as I look.  Maybe Acai juice is crock of shit.  All I know is it is the worst fucking feeling to be so sick that you do not want to open your goddamn eyes in the morning but you know you have to because you have to shlep soup to the tables of absurdly wealthy people as you eavesdrop on conversations concerning 10 million dollar playpens for the new dog.  But I am doing this for a reason.  I don't want to grow up.  I don't want a real job.  And I can't sit still.  I need to know that if I make another life shaking decision or migration; I won't be abandoning my 401K or the new property investment I just commited to.  So, here I am.  Sick in bed.  With no health insurance.  A few hundred years ago, this flu probably would have killed me.  So, at least I have that.  I will win this battle.  Onward... 

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